Sunday, March 02, 2025

Revenge served cold

The Count of Monte Cristo is a tale synonymous with revenge and known to all and sundry. So the 2024 French rendition has to live up to a high degree of thespianism and emotional intensity - and it does, by and large. Edmond Dantes (Pierre Niney) son of the stable hand finds himself separated from his lady love Mercedes (Anais Demoustier) and - just like that - he gets labelled as a Bonapartist and ends up in the dread of Chateau d'if. An encounter over years with one Abbe Faria leads to a second coming and just desserts to Villefort (Laurent Laffite), de Morceau (Bestien Bouillon) and Danglars (Patrick Mille). Sans some sympathy for the attachment of the younger Morceau with Haydee (Anamaria Vartolomei) the new Count is as decisive and ruthless as the circumstances that brought him to the brink of extinction 

Available on Amazon Prime 

