Dark, Dark Continent

One point of commonality of Hotel Rwanda with Blood Diamond is the profiteer, utterly circumspect about business malpractice, and then somehow suitably converted by the sheer force of events. However, while the second is fairly narrow in its focus on characters, the former draws up a wider canvas on the genocide and its antecedents. Don Cheadle intersperses an otherwise good performance with great moments - witness the scene where his frustration with his tie breaks into the larger anomie with what he has seen that morning on the road. Africa at least in pockets has not changed much from Joseph Conrad's the Horror, The Horror... we should be thankful for India and its polity, I suppose, where the incessant chaos does not (by and large) cascade into large-scale insanity! On the movie - the performance to watch for is that of Sophie Okonedo who from a comfortable existence is metamorphosed by the turn of events into the very epitome of distraughtness. An important movie on an important topic. Worthy of noting that the genocide in Rwanda possibly claimed a million lives, while the one at Srebenicza that received as much if not more press, claimed about eight thousand. Yes they are Africans after all, dude