Minority Report

To Kill a Mockingbird is a 1962 movie starring Gregory Peck, delightfully nuanced, skips clear of being a morality tale, and delivers a dispassionate tale of a black man wronged and perhaps killed in custody, during the Depression. What is remarkable about the movie is that the setting of the context is done through the eyes of children. It is only the trial scene and subsequent events that are delivered without intermediation. Hard times make for a setting of ambiguous relationships and definitions of rightfulness. In contrast, The Green Mile attempts to be lyrical, magic and reality interweaving in a closed world of limited characters cast firmly in black and white. The movie struck no chord with me. I suppose that to a majority this was a heartwarming tale - just seemed a tad fairytale to me - the dumb big black guy that endears us with his powers of healing, the magical mouse - seems to be a cruel joke to those that actually wait on death row, bereft of such magical diversions
Watched Kevin Spacey in 21 - a timepass flick on MIT maths whizzes ruling Vegas, and the victimized nerd finally getting his moral compass in order and going one up on his guru. Give it a miss
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