In Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, the lead pair of Manny and Ellie have a baby, whom they name Peaches. The other concurrent trail that runs right through is the discovery of a huge enclave (shadows of The Lost World) of dinosaurs that have survived the Ice Age, ostensibly by being proximate to a lava pool and below the ice shelf. The stand-out character of the movie is undoubtedly Buck, a weasel with an eye patch that sees himself as the somewhat indulgent caretaker of naïve mammals is what is a world of largely ferocious reptiles. Like the many Pixar masterpieces, this is another movie where the personality that is imbued in animated characters simply takes your breath away (not the least because of 3D – the first such movie that I can recall seeing). This seems to me like a good avenue for a hobby, or perhaps even a long shot career option, away from the relentless stress… but I digress. This is a remarkable movie in the way pretty much every animated movie out of America seems remarkable. While special effects in the context of action sequences has become somewhat been-there-done-that no matter which the movie, the world of animation is just about entering a Golden Age with the likes of the Ice Age series