..And every instinct in me tells me to warn you – don’t watch Blue (Hindi). The plot is non-existent. The players are bland and stereotypical. Words cannot describe Katrina Kaif’s lack of emoting ability. Akshay Kumar’s need to acknowledge that he is growing old. Sanjay Dutt’s insult to an action movie by landing up with a devil-may-care resplendent paunch. The fact is – the movie is spectacular. The diving scenes are as good as any (only minor shades of difference from a full blown Hollywood diving movie like Out of The Blue). This is allegedly one of the most expensive Bollywood movies ever produced, it is surely one of the most spectacular. And it is great to see that Indians look at home in what is an out-and-out adventure sport in an international location. Do not miss this movie – the visual spectacle (the Bollywood stars being at home in the water, not the marine life) is quite extraordinary
