Easy Sell

If you have seen the brutal Indian “retail sales” culture firsthand, Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year strikes an immediate chord. Harpreet Singh Bedi (aka Rocket Singh) is the quintessence of naivete and idealism (and that too not backed by great grades, as a trainee), and totally out of place in cutthroat computer retailer AYS (At Your Service) where sales clearly predominates over service. Things come to a head when Rocket Singh in all his innocence almost loses the firm a client whose liaison is clearly on the take. The firebrand in the Sardar takes over, he moonlights with a bunch of likeminded people and starts a renegade firm within the firm – Rocket Sales Corporation – that creates a proposition around impeccable service and very soon gets a small but valuable client audience. The encroachment is not lost upon ATS and its honchos – and Rocket Sales is unearthed and swiftly amalgamated. But not so the service culture and the loyal customers. This movie will strike a chord with anyone who has hated the quarter-on-quarter run rate and commission-driven sales culture. Not the least because Rocket Singh (Ranbir Kapoor) clicks as the naïve newbie with fire-in-the-belly beneath the baby face