Timeless De Niro

Take a family of four children dispersed across America – of blue collar origins, but now a successful (?) quartet – one a part-owner of an ad agency, one an artist (as opposed to a painter), one a composer (or is it a drummer), and one a dancer (in Las Vegas? And perhaps a lesbian?). Now throw in Frank Goode (Robert De Niro) as their father, a man of blue collar origins who pushed his children hard, to get to where they are, and ostensibly Everybody’s Fine. So what does one expect when, seeing that the children are too busy in their careers for a reunion, the ailing father sets out across America – by road – to catch up with his children individually. And finds the truths of their individual realities. And while all does not end well – what remains of the family is re-united, with their realities out in the open, and accepted. Even as De Niro just keeps adding to the roster of why he is a living legend, the all-star cast takes the movie to a different plane. A movie about paternal authority and the demands of career, and the varying reactions to the same, and the eventual result of acceptance all round, reminding us yet again that while success matters, in the end its all about the family. Miss this one and you miss something vital about valuing the ties that bind family
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