Abandoned or Alone?

Mary (Brittany Murphy) heads to the hospital for her boyfriend Kevin’s (Dean Cain) orthopaedic surgery. Directed to a wing that’s under renovation, she leaves him off for the operation – and hours later, is unable to find any trace of him. A frantic series of enquiries with nurses, the reception, and the hospital authorities as to his whereabouts is to no avail. Eventually her searches draw the wrong kind of attention – her behavioral patterns are questioned, and she is on the verge of being labeled as depressive and her behavior hallucinatory. But is that the truth? Or is something much more sinister at play? While you will not be surprised at the overall outcome in Abandoned, you may well be at the degree of depravity that it portrays. A strictly B Grader and timepass movie, good for home DVD, not quite the stuff you will want a full blown outing around. The movie trails off with a tribute to Brittany Murphy, who died tragically last year at the tender age of 32
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