Scott’s Noisy Adventures

For a movie that is somewhat hard to describe – I shall keep my review of this one brief.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is the movie adaptation of a graphic novel, and a popular game as well. Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) is a reasonably average Toronto dude, whose claim to fame is being bass guitarist for the band Sex bom-omb (!) and whose concurrent claim to infamy is dating Chinese high-school student Knives Chau. The romance gets interrupted by the entry of one Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), with whom Scott falls head-over-heels in love. Not so fast – Ramona has seven evil exes (ex-dates) in her life – and through a series of adventures, some verging on the sensible but others downright garish, but all superhuman, Scott takes on Indian dudes, vegan obsessives, popular movie stars, two Japanese brothers – and a woman – in his bid to win over Ramona. The final challenge however proves the most daunting – do all the elements of Scott’s life – the elusive record deal, the prospective girlfriend and the spurned one – come together? Watch this one for the “game” experience – but as far as graphic novel adaptations go, I found this movie a sensory overload rather than thought-provoking or nuanced
Absolute trash!