Clean Distant and Accurate

Whether it be the clinical kills of Vassili Zaitsev (Jude Law) in Enemy at the Gates, or Private Jackson’s (Barry Pepper) Biblical utterations prior to every shot in Saving Private Ryan, or a terrified Stu Shephard (Colin Farrel) frozen in a Phone Booth, the sniper has always held a special place in our psyche inasmuch action movies are concerned. So when Chad Michael Collins (Marine Brandon Beckett) receives a summons to rescue a stranded European farmer in the midst of the wilderness of the Democratic republic of Congo, in Sniper - Reloaded, things do not quite go according to plan as an unknown – guess what – sniper – turns on the rescuers. Poorly reviewed and possibly a misdirected watch for most, I, on the other hand, shall rate this movie way higher given the genre is close to my heart. Expecting the general movie-going crowd to celebrate a sniper movie is – well – a long shot
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