Indian-born director Bharat Nalluri brings easy familiarity to his portrayal of a love quadrangle, and disentanglement by a governess short on luck thus far, in Miss Pettigrew Lives for A Day. What is unexpected is the near-perfect casting and depiction of London society in the 1930's. A simple movie about choices - wealth, fame, or love? - and a resolution of the same in Bollywood-like morality tale style. Nor is Miss Pettigrew left behind in the derservedness sweepstakes as she finds a man who too would like to break free from the dilletante posturing world - and the fact that he is rich, successful and handsome does not hurt one little bit. This is a movie for a day when you are short of faith in the goodness of the world, but cannot quite tolerate the saccharine overdose of Bollywood. You will find it difficult to pin down a specific reason for overly liking or disliking a movie like this one, though.