What a Good Movie!
Spartacus like Ben-Hur exudes grandeur. All I can say in summary is that they dont make movies like that anymore, because they dont make men like that anymore. I am a great fan of Gladiator, but Russell Crowe would come across as Crocodile Dundee in the Colloseum compared to the toughness of Kirk Douglas and the guile of (Sir) Lawrence Olivier. A long movie but engrossing in the fullest - I especially liked the little vignettes, like two Romans casually discussing politics while two men fight to the death, a few feet away. I would think Maximus' throw of his sword at the stands in Gladiator and the memorable lines "Are You Not Entertained?" are a tribute to Graba's throw of the trident in this movie. Yes, we are entertained and much moved. Thank you.