Faith Cures All

A modern day fairy tale, a heartwarming drama with a positive ending, a man with a terminal disease and sundry others cured, the power of prayer. It would be touching if it was not a trifle trite. A movie like Henry Poole Is here panders to a certain type of gallery. While I have all respect for faith, I cannot condone movies that take self-renewal to a level beyond believability. But then, I suppose that a movie like this is meant to be low on realism and high on faith. Whatever happened to Bucket List style pragmatism and courage in the face of adversity? Why the recourse to such easy ways out? But do listen in to the soundtrack

A modern day fairy tale, a heartwarming drama with a positive ending, a man with a terminal disease and sundry others cured, the power of prayer. It would be touching if it was not a trifle trite. A movie like Henry Poole Is here panders to a certain type of gallery. While I have all respect for faith, I cannot condone movies that take self-renewal to a level beyond believability. But then, I suppose that a movie like this is meant to be low on realism and high on faith. Whatever happened to Bucket List style pragmatism and courage in the face of adversity? Why the recourse to such easy ways out? But do listen in to the soundtrack