Laying Down, the Law

Rarely do you find a TV series that brings together panache, endless style, and in the same breath cold logic and quality of debate that at moments can leave you breathless. Boston Legal's little caselets seem to veer in one of two distinct directions. The first set throw really unexpected surprises, sometimes a trifle contrived, that nonetheless keep the viewer engaged. The second are the real piece-de-resistance - the cases where there is a slam dunk logical argument presented, where all the facts of the case, dear viewer, were available to you, and you were nowhere close to working it out. And it is this second set that completely distinguishes the serial - at times I fould myself pausing the DVD and asking myself - "What could he possibly say next? What could extricate him from this hole?" A serial focused on litigation sanitizes law, takes away the dust and grime of endless hours of grunt work, and displays the smooth polished surface of glamour and confrontational argumentation. This is a TV series that is near perfectly casted and scripted. Near impossible to better (till the next one comes along, I suppose!)