In some quirky way, I can actually empathize with a vampire romance series. I suppose there are people out there who would find a love triangle with a vampire and a werewolf respectively, intriguing if not downright charming. And I also suppose that if I had the inclination to read the Stephenie Meyer novel that forms the basis of the series, or had watched the first part, some of the movie may have actually made sense to me. The fact of the matter is that none of these aforementioned wonderful things came to pass. So here I was, watching The Twilight Saga: New Moon wondering what’s going on. Which viewer in his right senses would be moved by the mediocre acting, the uninspired dialogue, and the downright horrific graphics. Was left wondering how the disjointed pieces that came together in the movie fit together. Wondered whether someone actually expected that the revelation of Jakob Black (Taylor Lautner) as a werewolf was actually a matter of suspense. In the end, I could not recall a single thing that I actually liked about the movie. And this is one of those reviews that I am glad I am penning down, because two weeks down the line I am not going to be able to recall a single thing about this eminently forgettable movie