Legion of Nonsense

We watched this movie in a movie hall. Two guys next to us slept through most of it, and left when they were done with their nap. At the end of
Legion, the verdict all across that this was about as much nonsense that an audience can take, was almost unanimous. Now to the movie. God has tired of the human race, and would like to end it by turning the human race into a set of ravenous zombies that in turn turn other people into zombies, and so on. No way, says Angel Michael – humans are still full of the milk of (human) goodness – and launches a crusade in hick-town motel Paradise Lost against pestilence, repeated waves of zombie attacks, tests of human weakness, and manages to protect the birth of a baby who will ostensibly redeem mankind. With all the ingredients of a movie that is a thinly veiled attempt to milk sequels, this B-Grader has “flop” written over it in bold. This one will vanish without a trace. The underlying theme though, executed by a worthy cast and scriptwriter, could have had some justice served
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