The Arsonist

Here is a modern day top morality play, starring the yet-again wronged-in-respect-of-family Clyde Shelton (Gerard Butler). But Law Abiding Citizen is over the top poetic justice! The two men who kill his family – and one of whom strikes a deal with the prosecutor Nick Rice (Jamie Foxx) to do in his partner, do not reckon with a “spy” having plotted and schemed their demises ten years later. After ensuring that the death row inmate does not die a painless death, he takes out the partner, with slowness and cruelty. The rampage continues, Philadelphia is brought to a halt, when will the cleansing of the system end and the rage subside? There are limitations to the extent to which this story has been carried, and even Gerard Butler appears unconvinced in parts about the extent of his actions. All part of the plot – or not?

