Human, Weakness
Arthur Lewis (James Marsden) is a NASA scientist who will never be an astronaut, while wife Norma (Cameron Diaz) has lost use of one of her feet in a tragic accident. And they both need the money. Along comes the money in the form of The Box that asks them to choose – and they have a choice of getting no less than a million dollars – with a price tag – they can choose to take the money, but a person, unknown to them, will die. The money is useful, but life gets really complicated. An alien lifeform is invading the minds of people they know, and before they know it, they are subjects of a bizarre social experiment that demands and takes from them the ultimate sacrifice. Hair-raising and genuinely scary in parts, this is worth a watch for the noir-style exposition that all comes together at the end. Richard Kelly is the same man who directed Donnie Darko, remember?

watched the movie...the plot becomes a bit hazy in the end, however definitely watchable.