
What a twisted world we live in! Mark Whitacre (Matt Damon), family man and star performer of Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), blows the lid off a global price fixing racket in lysine, in The Informant!. The same draws the attention of the FBI and together they literally bring the house down. And the movie takes off from there. With generous brushstrokes of noir, the lines between justice being served, and Mark Whitacre’s own relentless pursuit of the ADM corporate ladder become blurred. Things get even murkier as Whitacre is discovered to be on the take well into the investigation, a fact that may destroy the prosecution’s case in its entirety. The movie rounds off with a large sentence for Whitacre – justice served or denied? Well you need to decide for yourself, because director Steven Soderbergh (Oceans 11 to 13, Erin Brokovich, Solaris) wants you to make up your own mind in this dark comedy